Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Auto insurance ? can someone to drive my car and still be covered ...

Auto insurance ? can someone to drive my car and still be covered?

Sunday, June 5th, 2011 | Auto Insurance

It?s okay f?r someone ???? t? m? car ???

F?r many people th? ?n?w?r t? th?? q???t??n ?Yes? seems ??k? ?n obvious, b?t ?t ?? ?n fact a very ???????nt q???t??n b?????? ??m? hidden ?t threats ???r? time, ?f ??? ??n lend ???r car t? someone. Even ?f ?t ?n?? f?r a few hours! D?? ??? know th?t th? insurance company (th?t ??, t? n?t pay a claim ?n ???r car fix) m?? refuse coverage ?f ??? borrow someone ???r car more th?n a longer period (actual days ??n vary b? insurance company, ?? ??? ?h???? check) If ??? give n?t th? operator?

Seems th? pretty heavy r??ht? Wh? w???? th? company b? such?

Now, I know th?? w???? ??? b? sneaky, b?t ??m? people ?n fact try, Ann Arbor insurance fr?m insurance a car f?r h?r brother, h??, f?r example, th? 3 DUI, 4 ?n ? fault accidents, ?n? n?t fraud h?? h?? ?wn insurance f?r th? past 7 years. Y?? ?? th?? t? try t? save money, b?t ?t h?? serious consequences. Th? moral ?f th? t??? ?? th?t always ??? t? ???r insurance, driving ???r vehicle ?f more th?n a few weeks ???t t? b? safe.

I ??t another f?nt??t?? q???t??n ?n th? theme ?f m? Ann Arbor insurance clients ??, ?, th? ???t covers th? h?rt t? m? vehicle ?f th?? ?t wreck?? Th? ?n?w?r ??, ?w??? h??? ???r ???t, t? pay f?r th?m.? Another hidden danger, especially ?f th? person h? h?? ???r car ?f ???r ?wn car insurance comes ?nt? play, ?f th?? h??? a t?rr?b?? accident ?n ???r car ?n? w?r? sued b? someone ????. Th??r liability defense ????? h??? coverage, ?n? ??? ??n b? ???r assets ?t risk.

S?, wh??? ?t m?? seem ??k? th? ?n?w?r t? th? q???t??n always ??, ???n someone ???? drive m? car??, here ?r? points ?h???? m?k? ??? ?t?? ?n? q???t??n? whether th?? ?? a ???????nt th???ht. If ??? ?r? ???r ?n doubt, call ???r insurance agent ?n? discuss th? ?n rank w?th th?m.

Tags: someone, drive, insurance, still, covered

Source: http://www.thunts.com/insurance/auto-insurance-can-someone-to-drive-my-car-and-still-be-covered.html

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