Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pull-Ups ? Are They Worth the Money You Spend?

So you?re walking through the diaper section at the store. Potty training on the brain. When you walk up to the training pants section. The package promises you success in your potty training adventure if you would just buy their brand. Your dreams of never EVER changing a poopy diaper again could actually come true if you use this product. The question I am imposing on you is Are they really worth the price you pay for them?

I?ve been there. I really have. At my most frustrating of moments as a parent enduring potty training, and for a split second I thought, maybe these could help! But let me tell you that my experience with pull-ups is that they don?t. Diapers work exactly the same. Your kid will fill up a pull-up just as fast as they?ll fill up their diaper. There is no easy fix to potty training and don?t let the packages tell you otherwise. Mind you, that is my opinion. You may have a different experience, but lets go through the facts about training pants.

It would be so much easier to buy these pull-ups that, lets face it, are easier to take on and off than diapers, if you got a bang for your buck. But these things come in a pack of maybe 30 and cost the same or more than a box of about 90 regular diapers. They?re fancy, and they?re easy but they are going to put a big dent in your wallet. If you can afford this kind of thing, especially when your toddler is potty trained one day and not the next, then by all means, go for it. I personally would rather get my kid some underwear, clean up the mess, and do the laundry. Your choice.

A positive thing about pull ups (in my attempt to be objective on this subject) is that they can help with the transition to underwear. They pull on and off as if you were putting on and taking off underwear, with the protection that underwear do not give you. Look, if you have time to potty train during the day or if your daycare will work with you in your efforts, my advice is that you only use the pull ups for bedtime and nap time. Otherwise, let them use underwear and keep an eye on them. Keep asking if they need to go potty, etc., etc.

Are they really training your toddler? My opinion (if you want it) is that these things are merely a building block (a very small piece of the puzzle) of what you as a parent are doing to potty train your toddler. You are the trainer, not the glorified diapers. It is true that they may look kind of like underwear, but that?s about it. It doesn?t really train your toddler to realize the signs of when they have to go potty. Let them experience wet underwear and pants a few times and that will definitely teach them how unpleasant peeing in your pants actually is. Pull ups simply feel like diapers to your toddler. They are familiar, and in my opinion, ineffective because there is no change unless you are enforcing the change.

So take that how you will. You know my opinion on the subject. I just hope that it helps you when you?re in the store making your decision. Peace.


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